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Custom VeriStand Steps for TestStand Feedback

I will add that to the feature list.  I am going to do another pass at the RT Sequence Initialization dialog as well so if you have suggestions for that let me know.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 202

제목 없음.JPG

there is no expression in browser. how could i add expression ?

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 202


I am not sure I understand what you mean by there being no expression browser.  Can you clarify what you are trying to accomplish?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 23 of 202

Hello Kevin,

i have tried to set a model manager parameter with an underscore inside

and it did not worked and i get the following error -307662.


When i do the same with an action .NET step everything works.


If you need more information please let me know.

best regards
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 202

Woops, I didn't account for _ correctly in my regular expressions.  I will add a fixed installer later today.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 25 of 202

Hi there,

I installed the step last week, in order to evaluate it.

I was very surprised to see empty values in step properties: where are stored configured values? Let me see Module configuration?.... Locals.VeriStand. Okay, so it creates a container in Locals. Why not but this means:

1. I cannot use sub-sequences without re-openning a reference to the Project/Workspace: not a really efficient way to program;

2. I cannot duplicate a step with its properties: every TestStand native Step can be copy/pasted, the associated configuration is also duplicated - why? Because the configuration is in the step properties;

3. According the fact you located the variable in Locals.VeriStand.ChannelValueStep:ID#:YBDHiV+pc0OdaXlK2rpCrD, the variable name cannot be evaluated in a expression, because of exotic characters.

I understand the need to store informations about the active VeriStand System Definition when configuring a sequence, so keeping some path/reference to the project/system def./and so on, okay. But I really would prefer handle a container with basics path/ref.

Other point, why do not use the native VeriStand .net controls? There is a very convenient Tree Browser...

I don't understand the implementation choices, it doesn't match with NI recommendations about Step Types ( Why?

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 202

Hey Mathieu,

You have a point with using the parameters of the module in the step.  My reason for using the locals was that I wanted to be able to keep state when closing TestStand which Step Variables do not.  I can modify the dialogs so that they write directly to the parameters however and this will let you copy and paste steps as desired.  Some of the variables which are used by multiple steps will have to stay global but I agree anything specific to a single step is better in the parameters.

I can release a version with these changes along with an update to use the VeriStand 2012 API.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 202

Hy Kevin

Thank's for better work, custom step veristand

I've this problem don't run a project veristand to use a step project, appare a error -307652 SetBoolean.

Have you PLEASE one solution?,

I have a virtual machine with winXP, TestStand 2012 f1 ( and Veristand 2011 sp1 (2011.1.0.32)

Thank you Errore_Lancio_Veristand.jpg

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 202

Hey vaccaro.d,

You need to have VeriStand open (or use the Start Veristand Step) before running a sequence.

Let me know if that doesn't fix the issue.


Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 29 of 202


Success but i have insert a wait of 30 sec before Open Project step.

else appare popup error

Thank's for this

I had to correct in the custom step type VeriStand this DataType:

Undeploy Project lacked the container VeriStand reference

also in the post step edit was wrong with the link Locals.Veristand. RTSequenceRefence that I restored with Step.Veristand. RTSequenceRefence.

Same for Open and DeplotRT

If I can still afford:

I have 2 questions:

1: how do I pass values ​​to the workspace and enable a boolean, I have try with stimulus but are not passed

2: why have I error the Undeployed Project step


Best Regard


0 Kudos
Message 30 of 202