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How to create Custom Step Types: Is there any example?

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Dear all,

I remember years ago I've read an NI page with  a detailed procedure for creating Custom Step Types. Additional LV code and .DLLs were provided for download, but now I'm not able to find anything anymore...


The example was about creating a new Extended Numeric Limit Test type.

 Could anybody help me?


Thanks in advance!


Giovanni P.

Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 1 of 6



This might be the example you were thinking about but it's a bit outdated:

Archived: Creating Custom Step Type to Check Return Values within Custom Margins


A good high level document for this is Best Practices for Custom Step Type Development. We also install several custom step type exapmles in the following directory - 

%TestStandPublic%\Examples\Custom Step Types


Hope this helps!

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Message 2 of 6

Hi Trent,

In the past I had downloaded the attached PDF document from the NI site. Even if it refers to an older TestStand version it's quite accurate and it would be fine, but I can't find the DLL the example refers to (which was supposed to be linked to the page).


The DLL provided the functions to be executed for the Edit and pre-step Substeps..


Certified TestStand Developer
Message 3 of 6

I think I found it. See the attached zip.


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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author giovanni.alfamation

hank you very much Trent!!

Certified TestStand Developer
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Message 5 of 6

Sorry Dear Trent,


but Not executable.the extendedlimitsdialog.uir file is missing

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Message 6 of 6