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Welcome to NI LabVIEW Ladder Diagram Editor

Thanks Darren, 


DAQ Assistant appears in my computer only when I use LV2009 but will not on appear on LV 8.6 version.


I had a hard time to make DAQ Assistant appear in LV2009 menu. Just to get experience with Ladder Diagram Editor I will go back to previous configuration and have it shown on LV8.6 as it was before.  Do you know of an easy way to make DAQ Assistant re-appear on LV 8.6 menus?


It would be ideal if LDE were able to run on LV2009 platform. Will you route that suggestion please?

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 46

LV2009 is only in beta.  It's not out yet.  Any conversations about that should occur in the beta thread.  I wouldn't expect anything like these special toolkits to support it until sometime after its official release.


Have you tried reinstalling the DAQmx drivers?  You should be able to install the support for them for LV 8.6 as long as you install them after LV 8.6 is installed.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 46


I'm traing LabVIEW Ladder Diagram Editor but I can not find it. I have searched it under New > Ladder Diagram but there isn't any.

My first question is, where can I find Ladder Diagram Editor?

And second is there any easy example in LDE to download?



I've instaled LabVIEW 8.6, LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6 (only evaluation version) and Ladder Diagram Editor



Thank you for response


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 46

Are you sure you're not using LabVIEW 8.6.1?  The ladder editor only works in 8.6.0, not 8.6.1.  Assuming you're using LabVIEW 8.6.0 and LabVIEW RT 8.6.0, and you've installed the ladder editor correctly, you should be able to right-click on a target in the LabVIEW project window and choose New > Ladder Diagram.


There is an example that installs with the ladder editor in [LabVIEW]\examples\ladder.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 46

Now is function, thanks Darren

I tried to make easy examples and I encountred problem with variables.  If I have the VI which works with variables (shared variables) in the while loop, sometimes happen that the variables are overewriten before then LDE is executed.

How should I work with variables whitout this problem?






0 Kudos
Message 25 of 46

I have one more question. How is it with generating C-code from LDE?

Is it posible to generate C-code with using LabVIEW microprocessor SDK?






0 Kudos
Message 26 of 46

There's really no synchronization between the execution of variables on the ladder diagram and their execution anywhere else.  I can tell you that you can configure the execution rate of the ladder diagram by clicking the Configure Timing button in the Ladder Diagram toolbar.  I can also tell you that the update rate of the LEDs in the Ladder Editor window is 200 ms while the ladder VI is running.  I hope you can use that information to help you get the timing right in your application.


To answer your other question, there is no support for using the Ladder Editor with the Microprocessor SDK.  The Ladder Diagram file (.lvlad) is a special kind of VI that can be downloaded to RT targets.  The contents of that VI are generated as you are editing your diagram in the Ladder Diagram window. 

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 46

Thanks Darren,

I asked for support Microprocessor SDK because in our company solve the problem logick control in the railway aplication. We've writen programs of this kind in C langue because those programs run in our own Micropocessor cards. The ladder diagram seams like more effective development tool for the contro logic then C langue. For our Microprocessor cards is necessary to compile programs which are writen in C or asembler that's why I asked for support Micro. SDK.

My Idea was: Write program in LabVIEW Ladder Diagram Editor> create C code> compile C code in Code Composer Studio for our used microprocessor.


And now my question:


How does it look the feature the LDE, will be part of LabVIEW and when?


Will be possible to create programs in agreement with "my idea"? 


Thanks for response


Jan Svanda

Skoda Electric

R&D Drives and Trolleybusses










0 Kudos
Message 28 of 46

Hi Jan,


The current plan is to continue evaluating customer needs based on the feedback we receive in this thread.  I can tell you that LabVIEW 8.6.0 will be the only supported version for developing ladder diagrams for the foreseeable future. 

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 46

The Ladder Diagram Editor will only directly interface to hardware that is exposed with variables.  For example, when communicating with cRIO modules via LabVIEW Real-Time, the channels on those modules are exposed in the LabVIEW project as variables under the RT cRIO target.  With DAQ channels, I don't believe there is a similar mechanism.  So in order to communicate with your DAQ hardware, I think you'd need to write a VI that will continuously read DAQ channels and write their values to variables (and vice-versa with writing DAQ channels)...perhaps the DAQ Assistant Express VI would make this easy?  Once you had that set up, you would run that VI in parallel with the ladder diagram that is also read/writing those same variables.


If you end up getting a setup like that working, it would probably be beneficial for you to post the project to this thread as an example for anyone else wanting to do DAQ with the ladder editor.  Good luck!



Darren Nattinger, CLA
LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman


I was working on a very basic PLC program, while I realized below LDE issues. Nonetheless attached project shows an example of how I interfaced I/O from my PCI-6229 DAQ Card with Ladder Diagram Editor

Rung 1 Comments

"NOT Stop Push Button" Contact shows same status as "Stop Push Button", on Rung 2. Which would make it difficult when troubleshooting. Since it is impossible for "NOT Stop PB" and "Stop PB" contacts to be in the same state. The "Not State" should be the opposite, either GREEN or RED color, of the Not negated state.

Rung 2 Comments

After pressing the "Stop Button" you will see that negated state, on Rung 1, is not reflecting correctly the "actual passage of current". It should be changed to reflect the correct state of the contact. When you press Stop PB both contacts (the not and the regular contact shown on Rung 2 and 3 respectively) change to GREEN color; and when Stop Push Button is released both contacts change to RED.

Is this issue only happening to me? Thanks!


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Message 30 of 46