Multifunction DAQ

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usb6211 triggering

Hi, I am doing an internship in a laboratory. I am supposed to use the CARD USB 62-11 to trigger a camera  POINT grey FLEA3 USB3,0. My project consist actually of taking a picture every T/10 of a sinus wave and to calulate the number of pxel and the lightening.. I am not really familiar with DAQmx as it's the first time that I use it so I am having a probem with to make the program of the triggering.. I made already this program allowing you to alculate the number of pixel and the lightening.. but I am stucked in the triggering part... You will find attached my program, all suggestion or öodification in the program are welcomed

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Message 1 of 5



I think what you need it is good documentations and good examples, find given below 2 useful links :





Best regards,



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Message 2 of 5

Hi , I am working with marwa who possted this question on the same project , i alredy triggered the camera with an example of image acquisition and a DAQ , you will find attached the program. My problem now is that i want to change the mode of acquisition , i want to use the mode 14 for example , but i have no idears how to use another mode than the mode 0.

Any idear will be appreciated .

Thanks 🙂

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Message 3 of 5

here are the different modes ( i want to use mode 14 to get a max frame rate )

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Message 4 of 5

Did you try changing the mode from MAX?

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Message 5 of 5