Multifunction DAQ

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There are no CompactDAQ devices available.


I am going to read an analog input of my USB-6009 DAQ in Matlab. when I check that NI DAQ Matlab returns:


>> a = daqhwinfo

a =

ToolboxName: 'Data Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '2.18 (R2011a)'
MATLABVersion: '7.12 (R2011a)'
InstalledAdaptors: {3x1 cell}

>> a.InstalledAdaptors

ans =



But when I am going to add analog channel Matlab returns an error:



??? Error using ==> DAQ_TEST at 8
There are no CompactDAQ devices available.


In Measurement & Aoutomation the device is known and works. Any suggestion to solve this problem?



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The only thing to do is clear the matlab history and workspace. To do that just type "clear all" and "clc" (without quotes)on matlab command window and after that run your commands.

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