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NIDAQmx 64 bit library for AnsiC not found

Hi everyone,


I use a niDAQmx solution in a custom MSVC application. Everything is fine in case of

a win32 build. However, in the x64 build, I can not find the import library.


I found a discussion with a solution for this problem with version 9.8 of the niDAQmx

installation software here:


Unfortunately, I do not have the folder


<Program Files>\NationalInstruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport


on my system. The other post says that I need to activate "install ANSI C support" in the custom installation.

Well, I checked it multiple times, this option is active. As it seems, that is the default install option.

Nevertheless, no 64 bit library is present on my system.


Can anyone please help here?


Thank you and best regards




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Ah, found it right after sending the message, it is under C:\Program Files (x86) and not C:\Program Files\. There are "Shared" subfolders at both locations...

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