Multifunction DAQ

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NI-VISA installation fails on Scientific Linux 7.0

Hello! I am trying to install the NI-VISA 5.4 on SL 7.0, but run into this error:

Installing NI-VISA for Linux version 5.4.0f0...
Pre Installation .
Post Installation .
Pre Installation ...................................
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
        file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nispyi-2.8.1-f0.i386 and nipalki-2.9.1-f0.x86_6
        file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nipalerri-2.9.1-f0.i386 and nispyi-2.8.1-f0.i38
        file /usr/local/natinst conflicts between attempted installs of nipxipfki-1.5.1-f0.x86_64 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i386 and nimxdfi-3.
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/bin conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i386 and nimxdf
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i386 and nimxdf
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i386 and
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/ChineseS conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0
.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/English conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.
i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/French conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i
386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/German conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i
386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/Japanese conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0
.i386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
        file /usr/local/natinst/.nicore/etc/errors/Korean conflicts between attempted installs of niapalerri-2.2.1-f0.i
386 and nimxdfi-3.0.0-f0.i386
Error installing NI-VISA for Linux 5.4.0f0.

 Is the NI-VISA package broken? How to install it on linux?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
I don't use Linux but as you can see from the download page, 7.0 is not supported. Not even with the latest version of NI-VISA, which is 14.0.

p.s. You also posted to the wrong board. Instrument Control board is for VISA questions, not the first Multifunction DAQ board.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your answer. I've installed SL6, but still can not complete the setup. Now the installer can not find krenel source, despite the fact that kernel-headers and kernel-devel packages are already installed.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hello Taomach,


Please post this question to the Instrument Control Board to increase the viewership of this issue.


Thomas C.
FlexRIO Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4