Multifunction DAQ

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Freeze and Frequency Analysis

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Hello Gregory88,


what settings are you using for the DAQ part on my side the example runs without an error and a simulated hardware.

best regards
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Message 11 of 42

My settings are: Frequencyrate:1k, Samples: 100, RSE, Volt Min: 0V Max: 3,3V Because the arduino board gives my Mems Sensor Adxl 335 this Voltage. After increasing the Samples, it beginns to lag 

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Message 12 of 42

Hello Gregory88,


wich exact hardware is in use and what setting fail?

Try to simulate a hardware in MAX and please verify, if this also fail like a PCI-6221.

best regards
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 42

Hey Alex,

NI USB-6001, Arduino Uno for Power supply and Mems Adxl 335. What do you mean with "in MAX " and "like a PCI-6221". The setting fail or problem is that with increasing the samples, the graph (not the chart)idoes not run fluent

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Message 14 of 42

Hello Gregory88,

the error can come from the internal buffer size and the time which is needed, to transfer the values due the bus system. The buffer on USB 6001 is to small to run with the setting you want.

The question here is, why you want to increase the sample size, because all samples are collected in the second loop inside of an array and if you want to analyse a longer shot you can extend the fft time value.

best regards
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Message 15 of 42

Hi Alex, ah ok, i want to increase the sample size because... to me it was the easiest solution to make the "graphic" in the 2 nd chart below in my VI visible for a longer time, e.g. 5 or 10 seconds to freeze it and than go on with the coursers, the fft like decribed before and like the girl does it in the youtube osci video...

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Message 16 of 42

attatched the VI with the simulated signal... same problem that in the XY-Chart the Graph is just visible for 0,2 seconds

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Message 17 of 42

Hello Gregory88,


in the VI that i have posted the waveform graph 2 shows the 10 second and made the FFT based on the cursor position, which you can see in waveform graph 3. The Aquire Data and FFT chart only shows the 100ms shot. The VI you sent was similar to the first here in the forum and it shows only the shot, because no function like to append the values together is implemented.



best regards
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Message 18 of 42


Hi Alex, i think i could put the graph 2 from your VI and the graph 3 into a trigger, so the freezing problem should also be solved. But i still have the problem that i cant´get the Vi running propperly.

I set the physical channel with my source and the min and max voltage, but what else do i have to change that the VI realizes, ok there is a new hardware aquireing data.

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Message 19 of 42

Hello Gregory88,


please set this to continuous sample clock.change.pngAttached my running VI with a SW trigger. After 10 seconds you have to push the new run button to start the next aquisition.

best regards
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Message 20 of 42