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Error message in NI-MAX, NI-daq USB 6009



I am getting the following error message when trying to load devices in NI-max devices and interfaces.

"The database file is corrupt. Refer to KnowledgeBase article 4GA9TOQA for information about how to fix or restore the database file"


After the error message, the USB 6009 appears, but wont be recognized in Labview 2012. It worked like a charm two weeks ago.

How do I get it working again?



All help are highly appreciated!


Regards, Mattias

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Message 1 of 2

Error message refers you to this KB:


If you can get to it (Try launching MAX without any devices connected), hit "Reset Configuration Data" from the Tools menu. 

This blows away all the MAX databases, requires a restart afterwards, and recreates them.  That fixes most of these problems.


There's also this document that includes VI/EXE's to run to do the same, if you can't get into MAX:

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