Multifunction DAQ

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DAQ no supported devices found



I was given a basic LAbview interface to work. And i need to modify the interface. I was planning to use DAQ Assistant.

But i have the error as " No supported devices found"


Details of my task as below


PIC : dsPIC30F3010

Communication cable : UART cable .


Windows : 8.1



I want to read all the signals from the UART cable and use it to modify the interface.


Attached are the interface and also the breakdown of my measurement and automation explorer.


thanking you in advance .





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Message 1 of 4
Why on earth would you think you can use DAQ to connect to your pic? You can only use the DAQ Assistant with NI devices.

In any case, the uart it's not supposed to be detected in MAX unless you install a virtual serial port driver for it "out make up your own driver with the VISA Wizard.
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Message 2 of 4

Sorry, i am very new to Labview and all of these. What can use to capture the signals from UART ?


thank you

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Message 3 of 4
If you have a virtual serial port, you use the RS232 VISA functions.
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Message 4 of 4