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Agilent 34970A scan list

I currently have two modules in an Agilent 34970A, both 34901A. They are both measuring RTDs on a scan. 


I want to be able to have the scan limited to only one of the 34901As because one of the modules connects to RTDs monitoring sensitive equipment that picks up unwanted pulses when the RTDs are scanned. I've tried reducing the scan list to only include the module that I want to read, but with my equipment I'm still picking up pulses from the second module, the one that shouldn't be scanning as it is not on the scan list.


Is there any way to complete close off channels from scanning without physically disconnecting it, so that I don't get pulses when a scan is run? The Agilent is being controlled remotely. Closing the channels unfortunately gives me a lot of noise.  Or is this likely a problem with the scan list being defined wrong?



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Hey ep3,


This forum is specific to National Instruments multifunction DAQ. You might have better luck posting on a forum that is monitered by your device's manufacturer.




Aaron Douglass
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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