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NI PCI 5153 Interfacing.

dear Friends


can anyone tell me how to read waveform data from NI PCI 5153 Data Acquisition card? I tried the following:


#include "niScope.h"
#include "niHWS.h"
#include "NIPCI.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    ViSession vi; ViSession* v;
    ViInt32 acquisitionType = NISCOPE_VAL_NORMAL;
    ViConstString channelList = "0", channel = "0";
    ViReal64 timeout = 0;
    ViInt32 numSamples, waveformSize = 1000;
    ViInt32* actualPoints;
    ViReal64* wfm, *xIncrement, *initialX;
    ViInt8* wfm8;
    ViReal64 waveform[2000];
    struct niScope_wfmInfo* wfmInfo;

    wfm = new ViReal64[2000];

    for( int i = 0; i < 2000; i++ )
        wfm[i] = 100;
        waveform[i] = 200;
ViInt32 actualRecordLength, numWfms;
ViRsrc resourceName = "DAQ::1"; ViBoolean IDQuery = VI_TRUE; ViBoolean resetDevice = VI_TRUE ;

niScope_init("Dev1", VI_FALSE, VI_TRUE, &vi);
niScope_InitiateAcquisition (vi);
niScope_Fetch(vi, channelList, timeout, numSamples, wfm, wfmInfo);

printf( "%f\n", wfm[10] );
printf( "%f\n", wfm[21] );
printf( "%f\n", wfm[42] );
printf( "%f\n", wfm[53] );
printf( "\n\n\n" );



It prints only 200.0, that means the array does not have any data.


How to retrieve data from NI PCI 5153??





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