Measurement Studio for VB6

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Please Help a Beginner with ActiveX Controls and HP 33120a

I tried the evaluation of the the ActiveX controls for use under VB6.0 and
BCB 5.0 with same code and on both
I have a little problem accessing the HP 33120 a WaveformGen over the
CWSerial on COM1 (I have to do so don't suggest VISA !) I always if I read
get the "operation timed out" error, with HP Benchlink the connection works,
there must be some settings or code problems but I don't know which ones
Oh and I use NT2000

(Perhaps sb has a littel example that works, accessing the HP 33120a ???? )

Private Sub Button_Click()

RS.ComPort = 1 'correct
RS.BaudRate = 9600 'same as in the device
RS.Parity = cwParityNone
'same as in the device
RS.DataBits = cwDataBitsEight 'same as in the device
RS.DataAsString = True
RS.SwapByres = False
RS.EOSChar = "\13"
RS.TimeoutValue = 2500
RS.ReceiveBufferSize = 128
RS.TransmitBufferSize = 128
RS.StopBits = cwStopBitsTwo ' Due to Manual of HP33120a

RS.FlowControl = cwFlowControlHW ' think correct
RS.DSR = True ' think correct
RS.DTR = True ' think correct

RS.CTS = False
RS.RTS = False
RS.Write ("*IDN?\13")
Label1.Caption = RS.BytesWritten
'RS.ReadAsync (128) ' If activated RS:read
returns NULL
'RS.Stop ' If activated
RS:read returns NULL
Label2.Caption = RS.Read(128) ' Makes Timeout
End Sub

Thanks for all Help !
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