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Using OpenCV library in LabVIEW

he memebr

is the performace or time of excution of code open cv code in open cv enviroment(visual studio) will be same as in labview??

hi ?Q>

Message 21 of 49

hello,I come up with some troubles,Cannot open include file: 'cvidef.h': No such file or directory ,what‘s wrong with it,looking upward to your reply,thinks。

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 49


hello,I come up with some troubles,Cannot open include file: 'cvidef.h': No such file or directory ,what‘s wrong 

The given example was created in NI CVI. If you using other compiler such as MSVC - then you will need to correct headers a little bit. Just remove cvidef.h.



Message 23 of 49

hello,andrey!think you for your reply ,I have do with what you had said,but there come up with another mistake, Cannot open include file: 'utility.h': No such file or directory,if i remove'utility.h"agian,then mistake is error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'hinstDLL',what 's wrong?

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 49

hi ,Andrey ,unresolved external symbol _InitCVIRTE,What should I do,The hope obtains your reply, thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 49



here are some examples on using OpenCV in Labview in case anyone is interested:


There is also some source code, dll's and Labview example code. Some of the examples are face and eye detection, human detection, SURF, etc...


The images are passed as data pointers, so they are first converted from Labview image reference to 2D array. Some would say that it is better to pass the image pointer directly, but the conversion to 2D array works for me (the average time for 10000 conversions from IMAQ reference to 2D array (U8 datatype) and back to IMAQ reference is ~1.5 ms for image resolution of 1600x1200 pix) .


Best regards,


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Message 26 of 49


  I am sorry to reply so slowly ,I now solve the problem, but also thank you for your help, these examples topic is very helpful to me, hope to communicate later.



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Message 27 of 49

I have finally managed to get OpenCV working in LabView.... with all credit to Reyn Vlietstra.

I previously used wrappers from various people, some on this forum.... all great, but always only a subset of the OpenCV library (e.g. no SolvePnP, InRange and many other functions)

A few steps to using opencv, without wrappers, and full functionality (to version 3, with Cuda) is listed below:


1) download the opencv with .net :  I used the version on

I used this one, but there are 3 other variants also.... make your pick

2) I then had to make use of a tiny app made by Reyn Vlietstra such that the .mat can be used as a pointer to data (there must be a more direct way in LabView.... anyone?) this is called SCM.LabView.Utils.dll (attached).

place this in the same directory as opencv above (bin)

3) I then used .net to access all the required functions.

an example is attached.... note all the links to the dll (in the .....\emgucv-windows-universal\bin directory) will need to be refreshed for your specific inatallationn path.

I am not a .net expert, but in 10 minutes managed to create a frame grabber, display the image, and perform a Canny edge detection, and display this also.


example ported to LabView 8.... so it should be quite generic.


Good luck.

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Message 28 of 49

Good job, Philippe_RSA. I have finished your example and it seems good! But now my question is:how can we transfer 2d array to emgu image? just like IMAQ ArrayToImage. maybe give me some help. But still now I cannot get a good solution. Anybody gets good advice?


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Message 29 of 49

I have tried using LabView for this.... but hit a brick wall.

Possibly I need to make another dll to do this.... quite a shame, since I see many requests for this funcionality in LabVIEW.


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Message 30 of 49