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How to control the frame rate in NI MAX for iDS cameras?

I am trying to integrate iDS cameras into labview programming , the problem in NI MAX that the frame rate is fixed and didn't change (in the video mode option didn't related to the resolution).
i tried two cameras :USB and ethnternet and i got the same problem, how can i fix it ?
Thank you

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Message 1 of 9

some camera did not support different fps ans just work with one mode esp 30 fps but also you can use hire delay by wait function inside your loop and also use frame rate tools in labview for recording video in different fps just being real time is the thing you should worry about it 

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Message 2 of 9

thank you for your response 


This camera supports different fps according to uEye program (see the attach pictures),  but in NI MAX it's constsnat equal to 15fps , in the enthernet camera also i tried to change the jumbo frame but didn't help.

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Message 3 of 9
What you are seeing in MAX is all the video configurations the camera reports that it supports via the DirectShow interface that their driver is exposing. if they do not expose the variable frame rate as independent video modes, there is no other programmatic way to expose it to IMAQdx.
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Message 4 of 9

so test this vi example i think it will work 

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Message 5 of 9


i  tested this vi but the same video modes apeares (all 15.00fps as NI MAX)  when it run 

thank you

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Message 6 of 9

so the only thing that remain is that driver in labview that let you cannot this camera and allow to you see this camera's in NI max does not support this camera several fps mode 
this is attleast what i know 

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Message 7 of 9

also I see in your attached picture that list box for video mode do not show all mode did you scorlll down to see all mode of camera 

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Message 8 of 9

 Hi i face the same problem did you got a solution ?

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Message 9 of 9