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Will dark background (colors) be available in future update to the CVI editor? Previous versions had it.

When you have to spend many hours editing and accommodating hardware, its much easier on the eyes if the background is black and the foreground is colored. This was available in previous versions of CVI but seems to have been eliminated some where along the way. Will it be restored in a future update?
Andrew Prudente
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Message 1 of 9

Hey Andrew,


I'm not aware of any newer versions of CVI that do not have this functionality.  To change the color scheme of your CVI environment, you just need to go to the Options>>Colors dialog, deselect Use System Colors, and then make changes as you see fit.  Let me know if it gives you any trouble.





National Instruments  

Message Edited by nickb on 06-24-2009 01:26 PM
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Message 2 of 9
This tip from Mohan can be particularly useful in this respect as it gives personalized dark colour scheme which can be directly imported in CVI and tested.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Message 3 of 9

My mistake, I had Use System Colors selected and that eliminates the dark backgrounds from showing up in the selection box. Sorry for the false alarm




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Message 4 of 9

Let's see whether I can revive a 7 year old thread.. 🙂


I changed the colors of Labwindows to a dark theme. The only Window I am having trouble with is the "Function Parameter" Window (right click on local variable -> View Variable Value or Shift+F7 ). It still shows up white and since Text is also coloured in lightly I cannot see any of the values (attached picture).20161101_color_issue_labwindows.png


Does anyone know a solution for that?



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Message 5 of 9

I opened a support request some months ago and NI recognized this is a bug.

I can't find the CAR anymore.

In claris non fit interpretatio

Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0
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Message 6 of 9

Here it is

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

My contributions to the Developer Community
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Message 7 of 9

Thanks Roberto! I guess I need to wait a little bit then.

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Message 8 of 9

You guys should track 439323 instead. The other CAR was ultimately identified as a duplicate of this one, which means that it'll be this one that will show up in the bug-fix list and the known-issues list.

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Message 9 of 9