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Solve Kernel of a matrix or eigenvalue=0; Solve AX=0 in CVI.

We are working in the calibration of a cameras and we have some problems to solve an equations system:
There is a function to have the KERNEL of a matrix?
Could we solve an equation of a known matrix A multiplied by an unkwnown vector X equal 0 getting the Kernel of the matrix?

If not, is it possible to solve it with the eigen values like in the next equation if we consider that LAMBDA is equal at 0?

In this second option, is possible to fix LAMBDA=0 before using the function GenEigenValueVector?


Thanks for all your help.

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Message 1 of 2

Hi çamitraïl,


LabWindows/CVI uses the Intel Math Kernel Library, you'll find the refman here.


Have good maths !

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