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NICAN sample programs in LabWindows

I am just getting started with CAN programming in LabWindows CVI. At this time I do not have a CAN card or adaptor on my PC. My company is developing a remote device that will have the ability to communicate over the CAN network thru the PC. I will be adding to a program written in LabWindows to send CAN messages asking for data from the remote device.
I am looking at the Timestamped Input sample program, it says that
"The default ChannelList uses channels from the example.ncd file, located in
\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-CAN.  You can load example.ncd into MAX and
use the default, or specify the channel list of your choice. "
I have loaded example.ncd into Measurement and Automation Explorer. When I run the sample program I get error -1074388725. No explanation is given as to what this error means.
Can anyone suggest a sample program to learn about message send and recieve, the examples dont seem to be helpful to me.
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Message 1 of 4

Krista S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

I have exactly the same problem. Also I agree that there could be simpler softwre to send and receive.


Could someone please like answer his post, versus simply ignoring it as already posted. I would like to aee the answer myself.




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Message 3 of 4



The error described in the previous post states "The language interface for NI-CAN cannot find a required function in NICAN.DLL. Solution: Uninstall NI-CAN and reinstall." I was able to find this information at the following page.


With that said, if you would like more help with this problem I would suggest starting a new post instead of posting on this thread. This will allow for more exposure to your questions.

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