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How to create an intensity plot when X/Y values are not integers?

The data I want to plot comes from three analog input voltage channels. The first two voltages indicate the X and Y location of the third value which is the Z (intensity) voltage data. All data are float data type. The CVI function that plots intensity data on a graph requires the data to be in a three dimensional array format, where X and Y position values are integer indexes into the 3D array of intensity values. Is there a (practical) way to plot my data on a CVI intensity graph?

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Message 1 of 3

Either you round up your X & Y to convert them to integer and plot directly.

Or you dust off your old Numerical Recipes and use one of the mapping algorithms, the same used for doing elevation maps given irregular samples.

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Message 2 of 3

...of course it always depends on the data, but sometimes one can use waterfall plots instead. These are 2D XY plots with some vertical offset and thus can be plotted easily using e.g. PlotXY with a Z-value dependent Y-offset.

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Message 3 of 3