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Another problem in debugging project

Hello All.


I am facing a problem sometimes when i debug the project. A popup error occurs showing error 'I/O error creating executable file'. I have attached screenshot of an error. Kindly help me regarding the issue.


Thanks & Regards.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Hi Moshi,


Are you using any hardware with this application? Are there any I/O instruments you're trying to communicate? If so, let me know what they are and if they're using any particular drivers.

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Message 2 of 6



I am currently facing the same problem with labwindows/CVI 8.5 : for some time I am not able to debugg my project.

I am using a lot of hardware with my application (VXI rack, generator, spectrum analysor, ...) and i never had a problem with them, but recently the error occured.

In fact, my program is getting bigger and bigger (but hardware and drivers does not change).

Is there a size limit for the program beyond which the debugger does not work ?


Best regards.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Étienne,


There is no limit that I am aware of while debugging executables in LabWindows/CVI beyond the usual memory constraints under which all Windows applications run.


On the other hand, please keep in mind that every component you add to your application introduces additional stability considerations. I would start troubleshooting by making sure that each instrument driver you need is installed and loaded properly. Also, please check to see that you are using the latest versions of the instrument drivers that are compatible with LabWindows/CVI 8.5.


Next, please make sure that any NI hardware you are interfacing shows up in Measurement & Automation Explorer, and test communication using VISA test panels on any serial, GPIB, or USB ports you are using. This can help isolate whether the problem lies with the ability to communicate with your hardware. If this checks out fine, please take a look at Windows Device Manager and verify that none of the ports you are using are disabled.


From there, are there any external files that you're including in your project? Are any of these files located on a network drive?


Please let us know how it goes.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I think the I/O portion of this error message is a bit misleading. This error is generated when the environment is attempting to create the executable during the build process. Make sure that you have write permissions to the executable target directory, as well as the cvibuild.<your project name> directory. Also ensure that the existing executable from previous builds is not running or being used by another application (like a debugging tool). If you get stuck in this situation, you can also try deleting the cvibuild.<your project name> directory and rebuilding. This error can also be generated when creating compiling the documentationf or your code. Are you creating documentation? Are you using any kind of source control?

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Change debug application file name in Target settings. I was facing same issue got fixed after changing the name.



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Message 6 of 6