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stream DAQMX to an OPC server

i am trying to stream data sampled with DAQmx to an OPC server and have an external program pick it up fromt h OPC server


the external programe works with the OPC DA


can somone help with a small demo VI and or explenation on how to create a vi that will stream datat from a DAQ MX to an OPC server






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Message 1 of 5

Sounds like a Consumer-Producer pattern.  If you open a new VI from the File/New menu, cna choose From Template, you should see this pattern as one of the options.  Take a look at it and modify it to suit your needs.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 5

Can you connect to the OPC Server using Data Sockets?

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Message 3 of 5

i tryed manipulating the datascoket example in LV13 and insureted my DAQMX data (dark blue bus)

but then the reader stoped showing the data



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Message 4 of 5



Do you have the DSC Module?  Also, what do you mean by streaming data?  If you are just looking for the latest value that will be okay but if you are looking for a history of the data you will probably need to work out some sort of handshaking.


It would also help to tell us exactly what VIs you are using for the writer and the reader and what you are writing to on the OPC server.  The dark blue data type is dynamic data type and just from what you have said it seems that your OPC variable does not recognize the dynamic data type, you may have to convert that.  That is just a guess though and it would help to get more information.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
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Message 5 of 5