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on/off led through speech recognition in labview

hello sir ,

              Thanks for replying me .Actually I am working on LED on and off by using voice command so that i am using program that you are sending me... but there is i got error please give me some advices for that..

I will be very greatful to you..

Thank You

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Message 11 of 17

Hey faizafreen,


Like Austin said before, you'll be better served by making a new discussion specific to your issues than trying to get help in an older thread like this one. If you make a new discussion specific to your issue, it will be more visible to the community and the people here will be better able to assist you. Be sure to include background information (LabVIEW version, O/S, etc.) and the specific steps you've tried already in resolving your issue. Including the screenshot you posted here would definitely be helpful as well.




Cassandra Longley
Senior Technical Support Engineer - FlexRIO, High Speed Serial and VRTS
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Message 12 of 17

Hello Sir,

                  I am using LabVIEW 2015 and window 7 and i am making program for voice controlled robotic vehicle but till now i made program and it execute but I want to make it Speaker Dependent (i,e The Robotic Vehicle Controlling with my voice only ) so that can you help me for make the idea of How will it possible to make Speaker Dependent Program ..

Thanking you

Due to Regards


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Can you post code snippets or images of your block diagram? Additionally, is there a speciffic part of your code you need help with? Please be more descriptive than just voice command controls.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Can you send me the block diagram for light on/off using voice recognition in LabVIEW 

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

@Siddharth95 wrote:

Can you send me the block diagram for light on/off using voice recognition in LabVIEW 

Were you asking someone in particular? This thread is 8 years old, so you may be better served making a new thread explaining what you're trying to accomplish and showing what you've tried so far.

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Message 16 of 17

How to make led on /off using voice recognition in LabVIEW 

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Message 17 of 17