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integrating matlab into labview


I tried according it is not working.Could you tel me an alternate solution for this communication between Matlab to Labview 



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hi , 

I want to integrate MATLAB in LABVIEW. I want to perform image processing task in MATLAB and integrate that with LABVIEW to control my plant.

I am actually working on ball and plate system, would it be possible to to control the position of ball on run-time , after integrating both these softwares? Actually the position of ball would be acquired by camera and after performing image procesing tasks on it in MATLAB, i want to control the position of Plate in LABVIEW.

waiting for kind replies. Thanks in Advance.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

On eway to be to compile the Matlab to exectuable with mcc.   Write the data you want to an intermediate file, then call compiled Matlab code.  Have tthe Matlab code write its results to an intermediate file which is read by LabVIEW.   I think its also possible to compile Matllab to DLL and call DLLs from LabVIEW, but never personally tried this.   This will avoid the overhead of writing data to disk.   Also, your Matlab code should run faster when compiled. 

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Message 13 of 13