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how to move window behind ?

I have a reentrant vi whose front panel have some fileds need to enter. When I call this reentrant vi 3 times, Labview will open 3 windows, say 1,2,3. Window 1 in most behind, window 2 in the middle and window 3 on the top (most front), same order as the time which vi was called. But I need the opposite way which means windows 3 in most behind, window 2  in the middle and window 1 on the top.


I tried different approach but not work.

1. if I made the vi modal, windows open as 1, 2,3 from behind to top, and have to close them in order of 3,2,1 because everyone is modal, last opened 3 is on the top.

2.if I made the vi floating (hide when Labview is not active) or defult, windows open as 1, 2,3 from behind to top, but I can move/select/close at will, not have to be 3,2,1 like above. It is still not wnat I want.

3. Set the property node "isFrontmost" to false (see attached) still open window 1,2,3, 3 is on the top since it is the last call.


I need a method to move the window to the behind when open the front panel, so 1st call open window 1, 2nd call open window 2 but move it behind window 1,3rd call open window 3 but move it to most behind, so the order of the 3 windows from back to front is 3,2,1.


Any suggestion will be great appreciated !





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Message 1 of 6

Reverse the list opening the windows.


G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 2 of 6

That is the easiest way I figured too, and it is working for my case here.


Just wandor if there is a way to move window back since write FALSE to "IsFrontmost" can not move the front panel to the back.


Thank you !

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

I remember there being a VI in this package that sets the Z-order of a window using a Windows API call.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

You can call vi method Front panel -> Open, it will put it on top.

put vi FP on top.png





Message 5 of 6

@BigDrum wrote:

That is the easiest way I figured too, and it is working for my case here.


Just wandor if there is a way to move window back since write FALSE to "IsFrontmost" can not move the front panel to the back.


Thank you !

The easiest ways are often the best. 😉


G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 6 of 6