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Write to Serial with VISA

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Hello everybody,


I am now searching quite a time to solve my problem, but i couldn't find anything working for me. I try for the first time to set up a Serial communication via the VISA VIs to my arduino uno board. I was following the most simple examples i could find, but nothing worked so far. I attached my minimal example. I figured it should actually work simple as that...


The thing is:


- The serial communication with my arduino works in principle. It does what it should do using the Serial monitor coming along with the Arduino IDE

- Using my vi nothing happens

- The return count is always showing 0. I thought it should show the actual size of the buffer. So my guess is that the vi is just not writing anything to the buffer.


I know that there are tons of other posts about serial communicationvia visa between labview and ardunio, but all i could understand from them is that my way of using the vis should actually work.


Anybody can see my mistake?

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Accepted by topic author Wombat85

Ok, nevermind. For sure, right after posting I tried the thing that helped: You can't have the Arduino IDE and LabView open at the same time. Both trying to get access to the same COM-port won't work... As I see it, it was all my problem. Sorry for bothering 🙂

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