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Updating sbRIO software

I upgraded from LabVIEW 2015 to LabVIEW 2016. I have been working with my sbRIO-9636 and am looking to do some real time programming. The problem is, I have the software from 2015 installed on the system, so when I try to run it in LabVIEW 2016, I get an error. I was going to update the software in MAX, but I can't get to the add/remove software portion to actually do this. I am now getting inconsistent IP settings (This is most likely my issue). I believe I have all of the necessary software to be able to reinstall software on my RIO, but can't. I am also able to ping the RIO's IP address in command prompt without a problem. I am not sure where to go from here. I have set up a static IP on my laptop and set the RIO's IP to static, yet nothing. 

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Message 1 of 26

Also please note, I have tried to follow this but I still can't add software. I have attached a picture showing these settings.

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Message 2 of 26

Hi Jbart253,


A couple things you can try:


1.) Deleting the cRIO from MAX by right-clicking on it in MAX, and click Delete. Refresh MAX and allow it to find the sbRIO again.


2.) It looks like the sbRIO is connected directly to the PC. You can reset its IP address to 169.254.x.x and set the PC's network setting to "obtain IP address automatically". By doing so, the PC should also have a IP of 169.254.x.x.


To put the cRIO in safe mode, hold down the reset button (about 5 seconds) until the status LED lights up. the status LED should starts blinking 3 times every few seconds.


Hold the reset button down for 5 seconds again. The status LED will repeat the same behaviour. Close and re-open MAX, the sbRIO should be connected properly.

Ren H.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 26

I have tried that, and have had no luck so far with getting it to connect. I am still receiving the "Inconsistent IP Settings" notification and can't view the add/remove software for the sbRIO. Is there anything else I could try? I have even tried reinstalling MAX and that didn't work either.

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Message 4 of 26

Can you confirm your host PC IP address by running ipconfig from the command.exe console?  


Do you have any additional network adapters running/connected on the host PC, such as WiFi, that may be confusing for Windows when determining where to route Ethernet traffic?


ipconfig will also let you know if any other network cards are connected and have an IP address.


Are you running a native installation of Windows, or do you happen to be running in a hosted virtual machine?



National Instruments

To the pessimist, the glass is half empty; to the optimist, the glass is half full; to the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be has a 2x safety factor...
Message 5 of 26

I am attached to a wireless network. I ran ipconfig and it comes up with my set IPv4 information for Ethernet adapter Local Area COnnection. It also shows my Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection. Could it be possible that I need to set a default gatway and DNS server? Also, I am running a native version, not a hosted virtual machine of windows. 

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Message 6 of 26

When connected over a link local or static IP address to a CompactRIO, I always disable wireless adapters when trying to connect with the CompactRIO.  This prevents the Windows Ethernet drivers from improperly routing the NI target discovery and management packets out of the wrong ports.  I've observed that Windows tends to prioritize any network interface that has 'Internet' access as a default port and will neglect or overlook connected ports that have an IP address but no 'Internet'. 


It may be possible that setting a default gateway and DNS server also fixes this issue, but I'm not an IT networking professional.  

National Instruments

To the pessimist, the glass is half empty; to the optimist, the glass is half full; to the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be has a 2x safety factor...
Message 7 of 26

Hmm. I tried disabling all but the local area connection ports and it seems that I still have the same trouble. Is there maybe something new in MAX 16.0 that could be preventing me from adding or removing the software from the RIO, as it worked just fine in the previous version.

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Message 8 of 26

Can you attach a MAX technical report?

Ren H.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 9 of 26

I have attached a report for both my laptop and my sbRIO-9636.

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Message 10 of 26