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Updating EtherCAT xml file



Using Labview 2012 on a cRIO 9082, I didn't see any changes in the Inputs/Outputs when importing a new version of the XML file for my 3rd party EtherCAT slave (new version has new inputs and outputs).  I tried re-adding the slave to the project to no avail. 



Am I missing a step?


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Message 1 of 16

It may have to do with the XML file. Could you provide a link to where I can download the xml file directly from the vendor to make sure I get a fresh copy? Also, have you walked through the steps in this document: ?

Patrick H | National Instruments | Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

The ESI is in the sofware install; I know of no URL.  I've attached the original, with the minor exception of adding a hyphen after "iso" in the first line (otherwise Labview couldn't import it; this was solved with an NI support call).  You may have noticed I attached the modified version in my original post.


This is the slave:


Yes, I followed the instructions in the document (which can be summarized as "import ESI and restart").  Does the Slave's EEPROM need to match the ESI or do the Labview Inputs/Outputs come just from the ESI?  (I know it eventually does but I haven't done that yet).



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Hi Maherhome,


I have been able to add your slave in an offline state and only see 1 input and 1 output for that device. If this is not what you expect please let me know but more than likely it is an issue with the XML file. It may be worth a call to the manufacturer to see if they have any more information.

Patrick H | National Instruments | Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

Did you load ESD ECS-PCIe 1100.xml or gsfc.xml (from first post)?   ESD ECS-PCIe 1100.xml defines 1 input and gsfc.xml defines 2 inputs.  gsfc.xml works with a different EtherCAT product (ESD's Workbench).  I first loaded imported ESD ECS-PCIe 1100.xml in Labview (and saw 1 input and 1 output) and then imported gsfc.xml and still only saw 1 input and 1 output.  I am wondering if "override" import doesn't work.  Perhaps there is an XML error in gsfc.xml - I'm investigating.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

Hi Steve,


I was loading the ESD ECS-PCIe 1100.xml file and when I switched to using the gsfc.xml file I was able to import but not add to my project. I will investigate further and please let me know what you find on your end as well.

Patrick H | National Instruments | Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

I haven't found out more about the ESI update issue, but I may have a bigger problem.  Using the original ESI (from factory) with the slave settings from factory, the slave refuses to switch to SafeOp mode.  According to the manufacturer after looking at logs, the following is the problem:


The error while switching to SafeOp seems to occur because the master does not want to start process data exchange immediately, is that configurable? (It has set SM length for in- and outputs, but did not enable these SMs - I think there must be a special reason for that)


Do you have a comment on this?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

Hi Steve,


Can you send me the log you are referring to. I going to need to do more research on this and get back to you.

Patrick H | National Instruments | Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

The "log" is the diagnostic output from the slave's (factory) application software and is included below.  Not sure if it will be much help to you ...





Inline image 1

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Your image failed to upload.  The properties of it started "". You need to attach the image using the picture button at the top of the editor on the web page. Don't just cut and paste.

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Message 10 of 16