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Unable to run two motors synchronously with two controllers wrote:

Yes, But somehow your two Configure VISA VIs are different, even looking at the names shows they are different.


Which of the two properly runs a motor? Replace the one that doesn't work with a copy of the one that does.

Only the name is different, anything else is the same. I just copied one and renamed. I thought that was the problem, you know, labview sometimes do stupid things. but that doesn't help.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 16

Why are you renaming a VI? If it is a built in labVIEW VI you should have no problem copying and pasting around the diagram as much as you want.


So when you are running the two loops together which of the two motors (1 or 2) runs properly?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

only the first loop is running properly.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

Ok then, Since I do not have access to them, are Initialise 1 & Initialise 2 identical? I would assume that they would be if you are just applying PID to them. What happens if you switch the two over? If both of your configurations are identical and your processes inside the while loop are identical then there must be something inside your initialises that are different to be causing the different reactions.

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Message 14 of 16

Once I switch over, the active motor switch over too. So I am thinking there must be something wrong due to the labview algorithm. wrote:

Ok then, Since I do not have access to them, are Initialise 1 & Initialise 2 identical? I would assume that they would be if you are just applying PID to them. What happens if you switch the two over? If both of your configurations are identical and your processes inside the while loop are identical then there must be something inside your initialises that are different to be causing the different reactions.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

When you switch over what?

Are you switching over while running or not?

What labview algorithm do you think is wrong?

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Message 16 of 16