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Setup communication with eurotherm 3504 via either modbus-TCP or OPC server

Hi All,

I'm trying to communicate with a 3504 eurotherm controller with a modbus-TCP card. I have read mutliple things about it but can't quite get it to work.

I downloaded the modbus toolkit but I don't have any other specific toolkit for this kind of communication.

Could someone guide towards either using an opcserver and the way to set it up or using the modbus vis ?

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi MatthieuMag,


I don't know if it will help you, but have you seen that there is a LabVIEW driver for your 3504 eurotherm ? Here is the link

It could be a good start point if you haven't see it.


Best regards,


Ingénieur d'applications
National Instruments - France
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Thanks for your answer, I have indeed seen the link, but those are for an ethernet connection and don't really work in my case or at least you have to change the communication protocol and associated routines.


The most helpful doc I have seen so far is this:

But I can't get it to work properly so far.




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Message 3 of 7

Nobody has any further info than the drivers of the eurotherm of pdf link I gave in my previous post by any chance?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Note that registers start with 1 in the eurotherm and labview starts at 0.  So must subtract 1 from the eurotherm register number.  Also it looks like the default unit ID is a 1 in the eurotherm. This must match labview.

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Message 5 of 7



Can you give us more information on what modbus package you have downloaded, what you have written so far, and what errors specifically you have run into? I have used the modbus library on VIPM and the program is "just" a create master, read/write register/coil, close connection. When I work on problems like this, it usually comes down to checking that we have all the inputs correct and then checking again. The more specific information you give us, the better chance one of us will be able to point out what isn't correct.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
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Message 6 of 7

Hi. I have the same problem, however I don´t know what communication and interface cablke use. What is the interface cable to use with the drivers of Labview?

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Message 7 of 7