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Running labview runtime engine setup.exe as part of an msi



I have built a windows applicaiton which uses DLLs generated by Labview.


Therefore I need the Labview Runtime Engine 2015 and the NI System Configuration 2015 as a prerequisite for my applicaiton.


I am currently in the process of building an Microsoft Installer (msi) file. I am using the Windwos Installer XML (Wix) Toolset to do this.


Here I am copying the setup files and my application onto the machine.


After that is done I call in my Wix project the setup.exe of the LV Runtime Engine with parameters for quiet installation.


Like so "path\setup.exe" /qb /AcceptLicenses yes /r:n

(quiet installation with a basic user interface, accepting all licenses automatically and NOT rebooting after completion)


Now on execution of the msi, the files are copied perfectly and the setup.exe is called but then the setup.exe program gets into some kind of deadlock trying to load the sfc_os.dll and sfc.dll repeatedly from the windwos directory (system file checker).



path\setup.exe" /qb /AcceptLicenses yes /r:n

by hand into the command line works fine. The runtime engine gets installed properly.


So I cannot get my head around this. Obviously there is something wrong with the setup. Or the way it is called by the wix msi.



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