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Plotting a graph

Hmm the windmill and the solar panel kind of uses the same kind of wire like the one in the link,so...i am not too sure if i can still use it. As for the labview with lego,I am currently downloading the programme now.

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Message 21 of 23

Hmm but the wire or pins that the solar panel uses are the same as the windmill and motor ones as shown in the link,as lego uses mostly those type of wires. So I dont really know how i should still go around connecting it. Currently I am downloading the Labview with Lego toolkit so we will maybe see how it goes. Reason for wanting to use the wires was because I told my supervisor about it and cut the wires already,so I am thinking if its possible to use it and not waste it.

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Message 22 of 23

Ohh and I just realised I might have cut or used the wrong wire... I think I need to use the 6 inner cable wire that is connected to the EV3 rather than the motor connected wire...

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Message 23 of 23