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NiSwitch Issues

I have an 1163R module and I'm trying to write a simple VI to connect one channel, wait a certain time, disconnect that channel, then wait a certain time.


I'm building my VI based off the include niswitch examples, but I'm still getting a problem.  When I run my attached VI trying to connect ch12 to com3, I get:


"Error -1074130544 occured at niswitch disconnect channels (single).vi


Possible reasons: Invalid value for parameter or property.  Channel cannot be NULL or empty"


I'm pretty sure this is just a Labview software issue and not anything wrong with my hardware.  I've attached my VI that's giving me issues.  Any help would be appreciated.





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Message 1 of 2

Your issue is that you aren't running your instrument handle through the shift register in sequence 1 of the stacked sequence structure.  Therefore when sequence 2 executes the handle coming out of the shift register is empty, hince your null error when trying to disconnect your two channels.

Message 2 of 2