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NI Max Not displaying "IMAQ devices"

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Hi I'm having a problem interfacing the February 2016 VAS release (IMAQ 15.5) with NI MAX in labview 15. I have two PXIe-1435 frame grabbers and associated CCD cameras, and they show up in NI MAX under >>Devices and interfaces>>NI-PXIe-1078 "Chassis 1", which is the hardware that physically holds them. However, I see no "IMAQ Devices" Tab as the documentation indicates I should. I have installed and re-installed the software. I have plugged and un-plugged the cameras.

Some help would be greatly appreciated


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Message 1 of 8

My experience is more with IMAQdx, both Ethernet and USB cameras.  However, I have seen situations where devices were "invisible" (also Vision Software was "invisible") -- in some cases, it was because the Vision Acquisition and Runtime Software was not activated.


Find NI License Manager (in Windows Start Menu, it shows up under the National Instruments folder) and run it.  On my system, Vision is the last thing in the list.  Vision Acquisition Software, Vision Development Module, and Vision Runtime are all "Bright Green" on my machine.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8


Thanks very much for your reply, VAS February 2016 is there, as you can see in the attached screen shot. Based on what you see do you have any more guesses?



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Message 3 of 8

I was told by a NI representative that "Vision Development Module" was not necessary to use the PXIe-1435 frame grabber, although it dose say it's necessary in the documentation, perhaps this is the problem? 


Or maybe I need the "Full development System" (rather than just the "Base Development System" ) system to use IMAQ?

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Message 4 of 8

I suspect you might need a higher level license than the Base system.  Contact NI and ask.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Just for clarification, you've installed the VAS drivers on the PXIe controller itself and not on your host PC.  Is that correct?  I'd expect you'd need to install drivers on the PXIe chassis to access devices there.


For troubleshooting purposes, I'd also be curious if you have any USB cameras laying around you could try plugging in and see if they behave differently.  It's interesting to me we're seeing them appear as a camera but not getting a "cam0" type name associated.

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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author Optics_Eli

After consulting with support, it turns out that an "IMAQ Devices" tab is not expected for the current set up. (LV 2015 with the PXIe1078 chassis and the PXIe 1435 frame grabber). I expect that this is the case for any IMAQ interface with LV 2015 (but I'm NO WHERE CLOSE TO AN EXPERT). I can snap and grab, and run VI's with the cameras with no errors. The problem is now that I'm reading zeros from all of the pixels.  

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Message 7 of 8

Note that this issue is CURRENTLY incorrectly documented in the VAS september 2016 release notes (and all previous versions notes, as far as I can tell). According to the release notes, and the documentation for PXIe-1435 frame grabber, it says that you would expect and 'IMAQ devices' tab in NI max. I have alerted support to this issue. 

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Message 8 of 8