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Mightex camera not identified by max or Imaq usb enumerate camera vi

We have now been able to identify our camera in LabVIEW.  The LabView NI-MAX package should be using DirectShow to interface with the cameras. We had to install the DirectShow driver for the camera in addition to the Windows driver, the instructions for that instillation is attached.

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Message 11 of 12

Hello. Just posting to thank you guys for this topic and the effort shown to solve issues with Mightex cameras.


I'm currently using a Mightex CCE-B013-U and I was not able to make it work with MAX and IMAQdx.

What I did to make it work with both software components was basically the following:


1. On Mightex's CD content, go to DirectShow -> Documents, and follow the installation instructions (1 to 4) found on the "Mightex_BufferCCDSource Video Capture Filter Guide.pdf", page 3.


2. Open MAX and your camera should now be displayed under the "Devices and Interfaces" tree.


Very important: Before proceeding with previous instructions, please make sure your camera is already installed on your PC and that it appears under the "Devices Manager" -> "USB controllers" tree (Windows).


In case the specified pdf file can't be found by you guys, I'll leave it here for further reference.

Keep up the good work 🙂

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Message 12 of 12