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Labview installation - not compatible directory

I have problem with installing LabVIEW 2014 64bit on my Windows 8.1 Proffesional 64 bit machine.




I downloaded LabVIEW 2014 and installed it only to find out its 32bit version. I wandted 64bit version so when i found it i downloaded it. Then i used windows control panel and add and remove features to uninstall LabView 2014 32bit (when i clicked LabView in add/remove features a window opened where i could select, fix/remove and something else, i picked remove and then selected all parts of LabView). After that i was asked to reboot my computer. I did it.


Then i wanted to install LabVIEW 2014 64bit in same directory where i had previous version installed (which is now completley empty). But when i chose it during instalation it tells me:


"An incompatible product is already installed in that directory, please select other directory"


How is there supposed to be anything installed there if i removed everything? The folder is empty.


I understand something like that happend IF I would remove files manually but NO. I used OFFICIAL uninstaller, i didnt do anything on my own. Yet it "remembers" old installation and wont let me install other version.

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Message 1 of 20

I haven't tried LabVIEW 2014, but I do have LabVIEW 2013 32-bit and 64-bit both installed on this work Windows 8.1 Pro laptop.


Just let the installer do its thing. The 32-bit and 64-bit install into different directories. Leave that alone.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 20

Yeah, but the problem is that i supposedly uninstalled 32 bit version from my computer. Yet installer still "thinks" that i have it installed and wont let me install 64bit version (because i want to have it installed where 32 bit version WAS)

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Message 3 of 20

JohmDoe wrote: i want to have it installed where 32 bit version WAS)

As I wrote above, do NOT force the installer to use anything other than default location.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20

In particular (on 64bit windows), 64bit versions of programs will install into "C:\Program Files\" or equivalent while 32 bit program will install into "C:\Program Files (x86)\". There is no reason in the world to mess with this convention.


What is the reason you are trying to micromanage something that is best left to the installers? Do you somehow think you know better?


And why exactly do you "want" to install the 64bit version? Are you dealing with gigantic data structures? In the vast majority of cases, the 32bit version is highly recommended because of a much richer selection of compatible drivers and toolkits.

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Message 5 of 20

Along the same lines, is it possible to install a second copy of LabView2014 (32-bit) in a different diectory?  My first install is corrupted and I haven't found a way to fix it yet, and I would like to get back to work somehow.

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Message 6 of 20

I what way is it corrupted? What have you tried to fix it?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20

That is a long story and I am working with NI to resolve the problem.

Basically, I accidently started deleteing some files on my PC and somehow the delete operation started deleting the LabView folder.

I would like to delete the entire NI software, and start over to get a "good" install, but have not worked out how to do that yet.  Two days lost so far, so I would like to get way to get back to work.

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Message 8 of 20

Under Windows 64 bit 64 bit applications get installed into C:/Program Files/<Company>/etc but 32 bit applications get installed into  C:/Program Files (x86)/<Company>/etc.

Windows will prevent you to install a 64 bit application into C:/Program Files (x86) so that is probably where your problem comes from.


As to the other problem the most easy solution might be to install some virtualization software like VirtualBox and install Windows in there and then LabVIEW. That gives you a system where you can run LabVIEW until your current system is fixed.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 9 of 20

Well, you need to start telling us the truth. In the first post, you said that:


"I used OFFICIAL uninstaller, i didnt do anything on my own."


... but now you said that you manually butchered the NI system folder two days ago!


If you cannot repair the installation, there are probably some easy fixes to get you going, but they would need to involve editing the registry, which I cannot recommend based on the mess you already made.


I would probably remove the entire national instruments hierarchy in the "program files" and "program files(x86)" hierarchies and then use e.g. ccleaner (free version) to wipe all orphan registry entries.



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Message 10 of 20