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LabVIEW speech recognition



Could you please desbribe your problem in a little bit more detail?




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Message 11 of 32

I would like to get a project where it can identify the male and female voice. If any female talks it would say its female voice and if any male talks it would say it is male, Is it possible? 

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Message 12 of 32

Have you considered using a VI that inputs audio, using the FFT to find the frequency, and making some assumptions about male/female voices based on frequency to solve that task?


edit:  This is a good reason for you to open your own thread in the future rather than bump threads that are several years old.  You want to determine gender.  The original thread was discussing how to recognize what was being said and translate that to text.  The two ideas are worlds apart.

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Message 13 of 32

yes i would like to have a project which determind the gender. is it possible by Labview?


i am sorry ...i am new at this community. but i would appreciate if you help me to build this project.

will you?

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Message 14 of 32

Have you tried any of the steps I suggested?


Start by getting a VI to input audio.


Once you have that, add changes that let you find the frequency.


What's the typical frequency range for male voices? 

What's the typical frequency range for female voices?


Have you done anything with this for us to "help" with or are you asking us to do this for you instead?

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Message 15 of 32

last time i was trying to do myself but i failed.

it would must appreciate if you could do it for me. Then i can understand it.

can you do that please?

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Message 16 of 32

I doubt you'll find anyone here to do it for you, especially when you're not showing any effort you've made for the task.


What LabVIEW are you using?  What hardware are you using?  Are you trying to pull in sound directly from your microphone jack or do you have a DAQ device of some sort?


Have you read through this at all:  It details several audio measurements you might find useful.


What background do you have in this application that makes you want to build it?  Is it homework or do you have experience in DSP?

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Message 17 of 32

I do have MYDQ

i connect microphone to mydaq to get the data.

but i dont know much about labview.

i do have homework related this.

i have attached my project which i try to identify baby voice. But i changed the idea now i want this work for identify the gender.

Could you help me?

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Message 18 of 32

Forget the LabVIEW piece of it for now.


Tell me how you plan to tell the difference in real words, not programming language.


What is different about a female voice and a male voice?  If you don't know how to tackle the problem, it doesn't matter how skilled you are in LabVIEW.  You'll never find a solution.

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Message 19 of 32

the difference is vocal frequency.

i know male voice frequncy is lower than female frequency.

so i need to identify the range of the frequncy.


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Message 20 of 32