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I want any help or guide or example for how to implement Dual Receiver controller have Dual 8 channel input and output one of them through wireless like RC transmitter i would like to implement it using C series NI-9403 DIO (FPGA)


I want any help or guide or example for how to implement Dual Receiver controller have Dual 8 channel input and output one of them through wireless like RC transmitter i

would like to implement it using C series NI-9403 DIO (FPGA)


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Message 1 of 6

First.  Please don't put your entire question in as a title.  Simplify your title to something like "Implement Dual Receiver Controller"


Then please tell us what you are actually trying to do.  What do you mean by "implement"?  This is a forum for LabVIEW questions, and so far you haven't described how your controller and an FPGA and your wireless RC transmitter are related to LabVIEW.

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Message 2 of 6

first of all, thank you for ur comments. Implement mean i need to design an FPGA program that work as Dual RC controller or switch, that is why i attach the picture in my question that is represents the RC switch 8Ch hardware, what i need to design it using FPGA using NI-9403 DIO or any example that help me to do that, in other word i have 8 channel RC receiver input and 8 channel from other generator signals i need to switching between them to output one of them using FPGA with DIO NI-9403.


hopefully my question is clear now, if any confuse plz. inform me for more.

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Message 3 of 6

Hello AlaaShaw,


At the moment your question is very open-ended. You are more likely to receive concrete answers to your questions if you are more specific. Assuming that you are using a cRIO chassis with the NI-9403, you can program the FPGA with the required functionality to control your dual RC transmitter. A good starting point will be to read the manual that came with your dual RC transmitter to understand how to communicate to and control the transmitter. Once you know what signals/information the transmitter expects, you can create FPGA code to control it.




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Message 4 of 6

i think that u didn't get my question, what i need is to design a FPGA program in CRIO using NI-9403 working as this device ( Dual Receiver Controller), in other words design an RC switch multilexer look like the picture not how to use it, i know how it operate but what i need is to implement and design it using FPGA. sorry for confuse.

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Message 5 of 6

Hello AlaaShaw,


Thank you for the clarification. However, I am not certain this forum is the best place to receive an answer to your question. This community can provide you with assistance/help designing FPGA code, optimizing FPGA code, and debugging FPGA code in LabVIEW. We can also help with hardware specification questions. However, asking how to implement dual RC receiver controller makes it difficult for the community to help you unless they have the exact knowledge you require. Of course, if someone on the forums happens to have created a Dual RC controller in the past, they may be willing to share their knowledge. 


I would recommend that you start working on your project and as you develop your FPGA code, if you have specific questions post them to the forum. There is a better chance that you will receive concrete answers to your questions. 





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Message 6 of 6