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I am getting a -50101 error when trying to get analog input from a compact rio

I am just doing the initial setup of my compactRIO system and have been able to successfully add the cRio in Max and then into a new project.  I created a very simple VI with analog input that I am trying to read into an indicator, following one of teh tutorials.  The module I am reading the input from is a cRio-9201.  The input is voltage.  I have already added the module to teh project under the FPGA, which is under the RIO in the project tree.  Any ideas what I may be missing would be greatly appreciated!
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Message 1 of 5

In case you haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with your setup, I'd suggest checking the following things (I'm assuming this is an error you get on a pop-up dialog when you try to run the FPGA VI):

1. Make sure the right software is installed on the controller. You do this from MAX (important pieces needed for what you are doing are NI-VISA, NI-VISA Server, NI-RIO y LV RT).
2. Make sure the FPGA Target item in the LV Project has the right resource name configured. You can check this from the item's properties page (e.g. RIO0::INSTR)
3. Make sure you have rebooted your local computer after installing NI-RIO. Same thing on the controller.

Hope this helps.

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Message 2 of 5
Thanks for the tips....Do I need to configure the 9201 as a seperate execution target?  I cannpt find the menu option to do that in MAX. 
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Message 3 of 5
The 9201 C Series module needs to be created under the FPGA Target (cRIO-910x) in the LabVIEW Project. You can either discover the module or create it by type. In case you haven't created the FPGA Target (cRIO-910x) under the cRIO Controller (cRIO-900x), you must do that first. You also have the option of discovering the cRIO-910x or to create it by type. I suggest you do it through discovery, so you don't need to manually configure the addresses.

As how to create the items, that's done through right-click on the cRIO-900x and select New>>Targets and Devices.... It will pop up a dialog in which you expand FPGA Target and it will discover the FPGA Target. Similar steps are followed to create the 9201 module.

If you don't see the FPGA Target and C Series module options, then you need to make sure NI-RIO 2.0 is installed in you computer.

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Message 4 of 5
Thanks JMota.  I got it working finally.  It eneded up being a software version problem!  I had RIO 2.0 on my PC and RIO 1.3 on the compact RIO.  Once I upgraded the compact Rio I was able to get data.  Thanks again.
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Message 5 of 5