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How to multiplot three arrays of data collected from a while loop

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As a part of my project I am trying to multiplot three arrays of data i.e, two arrays against one array.I have succeeded in platting two separate plots but I cant combine the two plots into one. so plz help me with this issue.


P.S-  I want the V P graph to be combined with the VI graph . (I have added on orange waveform in the V I graph using paint for illustration)

Screenshot (2).png

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author harsha0209

Use Bundle to create your XY plots (X array in the first element, Y array in the second) and then use Build Array to make an array of clusters that contain your XY plots.

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Message 2 of 3

Thank you. I have done that before but your solution worked. Earlier I used to get broken wires when i tried to merge plots.


Can u help me wiht one other issue?


In the VI I've posted, the algorithm tracks maximum power of the system for every iteration of the while loop. I've used the amplitude and level vi to get the maximum value of power from the power array. But to get the voltage at which the max power occurs I used a different logic (  because I didnt know any other method)

However in this method , for every change in the input parameters the power max is updated correctly but the voltage is nullified in each iteration. so if we use delay function in the VI, the voltage becomes zero half of the time.


 Can u suggest me another method where voltage doesnt need to me measured in the way I measured it so that it never reaches zero if I change the input variables. The logic used is in the dotted box.



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Message 3 of 3