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How to compile a LabVIEW VI into a standalone .exe programme? (LV8.5.1 student edition)



Can anyone telll me ...i want to use a labview vi running on Labview server from clients has to be passed from clients browser to vi on server and then execute this vi  on server .

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Message 11 of 20

I'll repeat in case you missed my previous post.  "Please start a new message thread".

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Message 12 of 20



i have created a client server architecture and i have created a "labview vi" and i want client enters some data from his web browser that i want to be passed to the labview vi on server and esecute this labview vi on server using clients data......


How is it possible ..please assist me something.

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Message 13 of 20

The New Message button is at the top of the LabVIEW discussion forum right below the announcements and above the top most message thread.

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Message 14 of 20



I am facing the same problem. I have LabView Student Edition (2012) and cannot convert my VIs into a standalone application (.exe program). I have tried using the LabView in my school but it doesn't have the DAQ assist (which plays a fundamental part in my VI) installed and hence cannot recognize it. I have already converted the main VI (titled Version 2.11) and the dependencies (Sub VIs) into a project and attached it. I would appreciate it if anyone can convert it into an .exe or help me in overcoming the problem with the DAQ assist.


Thank you for your help.







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Message 15 of 20

The DAQ Assistant is something that installs with the DAQmx device drivers.


All you attach is the .lvproj file.  We can't do anything with that.  It doesn't contain your VI's.  The lvproj file is a text file that describes the VI's and settings that make up your project environment.  It is not your complete project.


I suggest you talk to the administrator at your school and ask why the PC doesn't have the DAQmx drivers installed.

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Message 16 of 20



Thank you for your response. I already asked and their explanation was that it is expensive and unnecessary. If I attach the VIs would you be able to convert it into an exe.





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Message 17 of 20

That explanation doesn't make sense because DAQmx is a free download.


I can't build your .exe for you because I don't have LV 8.5 on my PC anymore.  Even if I could, I'd be concerned because so much of the stuff that goes on in a DAQ assistant is based on your current hardware setup, and I won't have that same setup on my PC.  If things are perfectly correct, you will have no way of getting your DAQ stuff to work correctly because it is all compiled into the .exe without the means to fix it.


I suggest you talk your instructor and discuss the sitauation with him.  Let him know that the LabVIEW PC's at school are not setup properly because they failed to installed the DAQ drivers.

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Message 18 of 20

I would also be concerned about the legality of supporting your effort. The student edition does not have the app builder for a reason and supporting you in an effort to bypass the restrictions could cause problems to anyone that built the exe for you.

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Message 19 of 20



I have a student project that I could also use as a stand-alone executable.  If someone with a non-student license could turn this into an executable I could run at home, I would be very grateful for your help!  Attached is the main Control Program and the supporting LLB file.



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Message 20 of 20