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How many instances can access the same queue at the same time ?


In my application I am cloning a VI n times and these n instances are accessing the same queue. Is there any restriction on this 'n' for successful operation.




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If the accesses are to enqueue data, then no limit (beyond the number of VIs which will fit in memory).  If you are dequeuing, then n =1. Dequeue removes data from the queue and you would have no way to know which of the n VIs got which element from the queue.  Read the deteiled help for the queue functions.  If you need to read the same data in multiple places, you need some other mechanism.


Please tell us more about your application.  What kind of data and how much data are in the queue? How fast is the data being generated? How long must the data persist (be availabel after it is generated)? Do you need to guarantee that all the VIs get the data?



Message 2 of 3

If you have several consumers you'll need to divide the work somehow and use the Look at queue to filter out events. As ex. if you have 2 slow events they could be in separate loops, but i'd say it'd be a better design to use different queues or events for that.



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Qestit Systems
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