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How can I set printing margins of report?

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Message 11 of 16

Finally it is done.


1.In order to write an empty string data to a registry value, I had to use the function of LabVIEW and not the DOS command.



2. Eventually, without the footer and the header, the printed image is at full left and full top, using the corresponding margins.

3. When printing HTML, there are created temp files in the %temp% folder. If a new print is done with the same name of the temp's name, then the old file is printed and not the new one. So, another change in the vi that is attached, is the deletion of these temp files.


That's all !

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Message 12 of 16

Hey nikosfs,


Excellent work! I'm glad you were able to implement the registry information into a useful solution. Thanks again for your patience and cooperation. Do you have any other questions or will this solution be adequate?


Paul M

National Instruments | Applications Engineer |
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

Hello Paul M.


This solution is adequate.

The only changes that might be done by someone in another example, are the values of margins according to the size of the Front Panel which has to be equal or smaller than the A4 paper size (21x29,7cm), if this size of paper is used.


I used this ruler to measure the edges of the Front Panel in centimeters:

downloadble from:


Thank you very much for your guidance.


Nikos Fs

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Message 14 of 16

I've just found this post.. too late, but I want to thank you for this fantastic solution to the horrible results I have got for years with the Standard Report Printing margins and proportions, etc.


Now I'll get some decent reports, thank you so much!!!

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Message 15 of 16


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Message 16 of 16