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Extra White Space from Hidden Menu Bar

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This seems to be a problem introduced by LV 2013. I have a VI that runs with the menu bar hidden. When I hit ctrl-m to see how it looks in run mode, it looks fine. When I run the VI, instead of fully hiding the menu bar, it leaves white space. This only seems to be a problem when the VI is the top level. When the VI is opened from another VI, it looks fine. I've attached screenshots when the VI is running as a top level, ctrl-m is used and running when launched from another VI. This was not an issue in LV 2012. It's only been a problem since switching to 2013.

Message 1 of 7

Also, here is the window appearance dialog.

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Message 2 of 7

Greetings thutch79,


I replicated the settings shown at Window Appearance Dialog.png on a new VI, ran it, and did not reproduce the problem.


I wonder if you experience the same behavior with a new VI? If not, you can copy paste the code to a new VI to fix a potential corruption issue.



Alejandro C. | National Instruments
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Message 3 of 7

I can certainly copy everything over. It will be annoying though since this one has alot of UI setup I'll have to replicate. I'll give it a try and let you know.

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Message 4 of 7
Accepted by topic author thutch79

There might be a way to clear the error without copying everything…take a look at this forum: Try setting the windows size to 0, 0.

Alejandro C. | National Instruments
Message 5 of 7

Nice! That took care of it. Glad I waited a beat before trying to recreate the VI. Thanks for the help everyone.

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Message 6 of 7

That did NOT work for me; but the easy solution is to create a new blank vi, copy your block diagram from the 'white bar' VI to the new one, fix the icon, set up the connector pane, and you're done. That DID work for me.


Probably corruption in the VI; copying the block diagram leaves corrupt BD behind...

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Message 7 of 7