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Error During Compile when Using 'UNIFORM' function in VHDL code block

I  just copied my post from the Xilinx forum asking this same question so keep that in mind but it should make sense.  I'm working with a CRIO 9014 with a 9104 expansion and 9401 cards.  Thanks! 



Device: xc2v3000-4-fg676 (Spartan III) 


The device is located on the backplane of a cRIO 9014 by Nationa Instruments.  Most of the code is made by LabVIEW however I used a 'HDLNODE' block so I could code in my own HDL.


I am trying to create a random number using the UNIFORM function from IEE.MATH_PACK to create a random number that I then scale to 0-127 (int) and convert to an array.  I use it to drive 7 IO bits that need to all randomly toggle.  When I keep my call to the UNIFORM function I get an error back from the Xilinx compiler.  If I replace the UNIFORM call with a constant REAL value then I compile with no problems. 


Does anyone know for sure if UNIFORM is synthesizable?  If so, have you used it on the same FPGA? 


I have attached the error and have my code below.  As I said, if I comment out my line of code calling on UNIFORM the code generates just fine.


library ieee;  use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library ieee;  use ieee.math_real.all;
library ieee;  use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;


entity my_code  is
      ClockFrequency : Integer := 40000000
            clk : in std_logic;
            reset : in std_logic;
            enable_in : in std_logic;
            enable_out : out std_logic;
            enable_clr : in std_logic;
            tf1 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf2 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf3 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf4 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf5 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf6 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf7 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
            tf8 : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)
end my_code;

architecture arch of my_code is
signal random_bits_int :integer;
signal random_bits : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal div_clk : std_logic;
signal temp : std_logic;
signal cnt : integer;
div_clk_proc : process(clk, reset)
  if(reset = '1') then
    temp <= '0';
    cnt <= 0;
  elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then
    if(cnt = 10000000) then
      temp <= not(temp);
      cnt <= 0;
      cnt <= cnt + 1;
    end if;
  end if;
end process div_clk_proc;

div_clk <= temp;

create_var : process(div_clk)
  variable S1, S2      : positive;
  variable rand_out  : real := 0.0;
  variable OUT_PUT :integer := 0;
  if(div_clk'event and div_clk='1')then
    -- Create Random number between 0 and 1
    uniform(S1, S2, rand_out);
    --rand_out := 0.6;
    -- Convert number from 0 to 7-bits (127)
    OUT_PUT := INTEGER(rand_out);
    OUT_PUT := 127 *OUT_PUT;
    random_bits_int <= OUT_PUT;
  end if;
end process create_var;

random_bits <= conv_std_logic_vector(random_bits_int,8);

tf1 <= random_bits(0 downto 0);
tf2 <= random_bits(1 downto 1);
tf3 <= random_bits(2 downto 2);
tf4 <= random_bits(3 downto 3);
tf5 <= random_bits(4 downto 4);
tf6 <= random_bits(5 downto 5);
tf7 <= random_bits(6 downto 6);
tf8 <= random_bits(7 downto 7);
enable_out <= enable_in;
end arch;



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I haven't used that library, but I don't believe that the UNIFORM function is synthesizable.  I found this thread with some relevant tips for using an LFSR instead:


I have used an LFSR (coded in LV FPGA) for generating pseudo-random numbers on an FPGA.



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