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Counter output pulse, how to config duty cycle to 100%?

Hello, there:

    I'm trying to generate pulse via counter output of DAQ to drive a switch with attached vi.

what i want is from off state to increase duty cycle then keep high state(duty cycle = 100%) and then decrease duty cycle till off and recycle this process.

but the vi can't config counter output to duty cycle 100% state, it need intitial time at the minimum, so the duty cycle only can be nearly 99.99%, which cause switch has a little flash pulse.

So what can i do to get a high state from CO channel just after duty cycle increasing process?

I tried pulse genreation both time and frequency, to add "stop task" and config idle state to high with property node then "start task", it can get high state, but cause flash at the state changing.

please help to check the vi and give a proposal, thank you very much!

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