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Hi ,

I have got 6 cameras which is connected to a dvr.

It is able to view the 6 cameras through Internet Explorer and I have used the example VI of Active X to view the cameras through LabVIEW.


But now I have to perform some functions like

1.Taking snapshots 

2.saving these datas into word document extra.


Is it possible to do this with LabVIEW?if it is possible which function we will use for this?


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Message 1 of 4

Didn't got you, what you meant by this?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

The question pointed to gives more information on the same subject. But the question pointed to on itself needs the information of this post to understand. So, the question pointed to continues this thread. Well, that's what I get from the two posts anyway.


It seems to me the question pointed to should have been posted as a reply of this thread, so the post pointed to would have given more information on this post.

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Message 4 of 4