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Blackfin ADSP BF 527 interface with labview

I am facing a problem of interfacing of blackfin adsp bf527 with labview using USB. I tried with the VISA part but still facing issue with it. At the same time. the embedded module of labview provided by NI is saying that it has support of BF538. But I am pretty damn sure that it is able to interface BF 527 with the Labview, as when I bought this board with DAC AD 5445, they had given a sample program to check for the board. Since the sample program was protected and only front panel was visible, bcz of that i was not able look what kind of communication it is doing. So, please guide me in this. Its very urgent.

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Do you have these VIs to help you interface?


Everything I can find points to the Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors, but it looks like NI doesn't sell it anymore. You should probably contact NI as ask them what's up with that.


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