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Attenuator hold error message

Hello everybody,

I am working on NI-PXIe 1075 measurement system. while I am doing my first test  to my code and the measurement system, I tried to plot the waveform using my  code and compare it with the scope and the result was always wrong. then I  noticed an error message regarding to the attenuator hold and I couldn't find  more about it or how to solve it. even I don't know if that error could effect  the behavior  of the receivers. I wish if you have any idea about this error  and how to solve it, I would be very appreciated. 
please see the attached picture. 


best regards


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In order to understand the Error arising from running your code, we need to be able to examine (and possibly execute) your code.  Please attach the VI (or if there are many VIs, compress the folder containing them and the Project and attach the .ZIP file).


Bob Schor

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