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Access violation (0xC0000005) at EIP=0x012B60E6 within a dynamically called VI



I have been seeing Access violation (0xC0000005) at EIP=0x012B60E6 within a dynamically called VI.


The VI is called by reference and is strictly typed.


The VI controls a function generator, a robot and a microcontroller device.


All of the above are synchronised using functional globals.


If I let the code run the FG will operate so I know the top level dynamic VI has defiantly been called and successfully entered, however within that VI as other VI’s are called (there are many) LV crashes with access violation.


The VI's within the top level VI are using HiD communicatiuoins over USB with the peripheral instrumants.


The LV crashes are totally random and sometimes the code will operate until the end and close down successfully.


I can only seem to guarantee smooth operation if I set a breakpoint within the top level VI, then the entire system runs perfectly.


In fact it seems that even if I remove the breakpoint (after the first break) and close the VI the system will continue to run until close.


Has anyone any ideas? I have run out!


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Message 1 of 3

This has been already discussed in few threads and still didn't get the right reason for the error. You can see this one where I have reported the same


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 2 of 3

Hi MAC1,


I have been looking at your issue and wanted to ask if you are calling the VI's into Teststand, using the LabVIEW adapter?


If this is the case, it may be worth looking at another forum post regarding the issue.


LabVIEW Access Violations- Teststand


I am currently looking into what could have caused this access violation. 


If you could provide any further information in regards to the top level VI or if you could post it on here, that would be really useful.





Dom C
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Message 3 of 3