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NXT files (once deleted how to recover?)

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I am using the brick from LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0
I accidentally deleted the file RedData.dat from my NXT, and I need that for one of my programs.

Even when I tell the program to "write to red data file", it does not recreate the file, so I'm left with no data to show.
I am using all three data files, so I cannot simply just switch to another one. 

I have also tried telling the NXT to create a new file when it runs the program, called RedData.dat.
What happens when I do this is that I get erratic results. Instead of a nice curve, I get lines that jump all over the place.

I am programming the NXT with NI LabVIEW 2009. The place where I deleted RedData.dat is from the NXT Terminal.
I view the data using the Data Viewer.


Also, I am trying to log motor rotations.

Thanks for your help.

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Message 1 of 4

That seems like very odd behavior. Would it be possible to see your code or a screenshot? I would like to see how you are creating your RedData.dat file.

Stephanie A.
Americas Marketing Manager
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4


@dluu wrote:


I am using the brick from LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0
I accidentally deleted the file RedData.dat from my NXT, and I need that for one of my programs.

Even when I tell the program to "write to red data file", it does not recreate the file, so I'm left with no data to show.
I am using all three data files, so I cannot simply just switch to another one. 

I have also tried telling the NXT to create a new file when it runs the program, called RedData.dat.
What happens when I do this is that I get erratic results. Instead of a nice curve, I get lines that jump all over the place.

I am programming the NXT with NI LabVIEW 2009. The place where I deleted RedData.dat is from the NXT Terminal.
I view the data using the Data Viewer.


Also, I am trying to log motor rotations.

Thanks for your help.



Do you have the NXT tethered?  What happens if you run the code the opposite way?  (i.e. if it's tethered, download the code directly and run, if it isn't, try tethering it)


Also, have you made sure to update the firmware on the NXT? What is its version?

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author dluu



Umm... I don't know why, but I just deleted the function that creates the file, and the file stays on the NXT (of course), but now I do get a nice curve.

I guess the offender was the create data file function.


I just did it because I figured I didn't need that bit of code anymore.


However, it works now, and i was able to do what I was trying to.  


Thanks for your help.

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Message 4 of 4